To discover at perfumery Taizo - Cannes
V _ 1872 _ N°1
Some examples of our products.
All of the catalog is available at the shop
Clive Christian became the custodian of a British perfumery first established in 1872, the only house ever to have been granted the image of Queen Victoria’s crown, and set about restoring true luxury to the world of perfumery by reviving the original values and heritage of the perfumery with no reference to cost under his principle to “Design first – to be the best that it can be – then cost it”.
Clive Christian’s vision of luxury perfume culminated in the 1999 release of the Original Collection of six pure perfumes in three matched ‘his and hers’ pairs using the most rare and precious natural ingredients from around the world.
The design of the bottle was as an important reflection of the perfume itself, and in addition to reviving the original glass bottles from the perfumery archives, Clive also designed a hand-cut crystal stopper for the pure perfume aficionado. The No1 pure perfume crystal bottle bears a single white brilliant cut diamond at the collar as a symbol of the rarity of the ingredients within.